About Me

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My academic interests are exegesis of the Qur'an and its historical development, and the mystical theories of Sufis(Mystics) in the early Islam, and re-examination of the concept "mysticism" in Religious Studies. 現在の学術的関心は、クルアーン解釈とその思想的展開、初期イスラームにおけるスーフィー(神秘家)たちの神秘的理論、さらに宗教学における「神秘主義」概念の再考です。

curriculum vitae(研究業績)

Makoto SAWAI

1050 Somanouchi, Tenri, Nara
632-0032 JAPAN

1999. April - 2002. March       Tenri High School
2002. April - 2006. March       Tenri University, the Department of Religious Studies
B.A. / 2006
2006. April - 2008. March       M.A. Program of the Graduate School of Tohoku University
M.A. / 2008
2008. April -                  Ph.D. Program of the Graduate School of Tohoku University
2012. April - 2014. December    M.A. Program of the Graduate School of the American University
M.A. / 2014
2015. March                  Ph.D. Program of the Graduate School of Tohoku University
in the Department of Religious Studies
Ph.D / 2015

2007. October – 2008. March
Teaching Assistant (Graduate School of Tohoku University)
2008. April - 2011. March
Doctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Graduate School of Tohoku University)
2009. April – present
Research Collaborator, Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University
2011. May - 2012. July
Doctoral Visiting Student (International Islamic University Malaysia)
2014. April - 2014. September
Resident Researcher of Cairo Research Center of Sophia University
International Researcher of the JSPS (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Cairo Research Station.
2015. April - 2018. March
Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(University of Tokyo, The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, 2015.4-2016.3)
(Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
2016. January - 2016. June
The Visiting Scholar (Yale University, The Religious Studies Department)
2016. August - 2017. January
The Visiting Scholar (Harvard University, The Center for Study of World Religions)
2018. April – present
The Affiliated Researcher (Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
2019 April - present
The Lecturer, Oyasato Institute for the Study of Religion, Tenri University

Native:  Japanese
Other languages:  English, Arabic, German, and French

B. A. Thesis
Makoto, Sawai. “William James’ Theory of Religion [William James no Shūkyō Riron].”
B.A. Thesis, Tenri University, 2006, pp. 1-32.

M. A. Thesis
―――. “Inquiry into Religious Experience: A Study of William James’ Philosophy [Shūkyō-teki Keiken no Tankyū: William James no Tetsugaku o megutte].” M.A. Thesis, Tohoku University, 2008, pp. 1-132.

―――. “The Divine Names in Ibn ʿArabīʼs Theory of the Oneness of Existence.” M.A. Thesis, American University in Cairo, 2014, pp. 1-84+ v.

Ph. D. Dissertation
―――. “Mystical Islam on the Divine Names [Islām Shinpi Shisō no Genryū: Shinmei Kaishaku to shite no Islām Shisōshi].” Ph. D. Dissertation, Tohoku University, 2015, pp. 1-213 + v.

―――. “W. James’ ‘Religious Experience’: Its Theory and Philosophical Framework [W. James no Shūkyō-teki Keiken-ron to Sono Tetsugaku-teki Wakugumi].” Tohoku Journal of Religious Studies vol. 2, 2007, pp. 103-127.

―――.William James’ Pragmatism and Its Theoretical Development: an Inquiry into ‘the Divine’ and Religious Experience [William James no “Pragmatism” Gainen to Sono Riron-teki Tenkai: Kami no Tankyū to Shūkyō-teki Keiken].Studies in Religious East and West vol. 34, 2008, pp. 163-186.

―――. “The Issue of Recognition in James’ Theory of Religious Experience [James no Shūkyō-teki Keiken-ron ni okeru Ninshiki no Mondai].” Journal of Religious Studies vol. 82-4, 2009, pp. 265-266.

―――. “The Concept ‘dīn’ in Izutsu Toshihiko’s Qur’anic Interpretation [Izutsu Toshihiko no Qur’an Kaishaku ni okeru “dīn” no Gainen].” Culture vol. 72-3/4, 2009, pp 153-171.

―――. “The Theory of Fanā’ in Junayd’s Mysticism [Junayd no Shinpi-shugi ni okeru Fanā’ Ron].” Journal of Religious Studies vol. 83-4, 2009, pp. 417-418.

―――. “Religious Experience and ‘the Unconscious’: with Reference to William James’ Perspective on Psychology [Shūkyō-teki Keiken to “Muishiki-teki narumono: William James no Shinri-gaku kara].” Studies in Religious East and West vol. 36, 2009, pp. 9-32.

―――.Izutsu’s Hermeneutical Perspectives of the Qur’anic Interpretation,” Anis Malik Thoha ed., Japanese Contribution of Islamic Studies: The Legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu Interpreted, Malaysia: IIUM Press, 2010, pp. 99-110.

―――.Junayd’s Mysticism and ‘Primordial Covenant [Junayd no Shinpi-shugi to “Gensho no Keiyaku”].” Journal of Religious Studies, vol. 84-4, 2010, pp. 417-418.

―――. “Islamic Views of Life and Death: Two Lives and Deaths in al-abarī’s Qur’anic Exegesis [Islam no Shisei-kan: abarī no Qur’an Kaishaku ni okeru Hutatsu no Sei to Hutatsu no Shi].” Tohoku Journal of Religious Studies vol. 6, 2010, pp. 83-104.

―――.Fanā’ and Baqā’ in the Theory of Junayd’s ‘Primordial Covenant’ [Junayd no “Gensho no Keiyaku” ni okeru Fanā’ to Baqā’].” Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, vol. 54/2, 2011, pp. 115-142.

―――. “Ecumenism” and other 31 terms, Yasushi Tonaga and Shinya Ishizaka (eds.), Handbook for Sustainable Humanosphere [Jizoku-sei Seizon Kiban-ron Handbook], Kyoto: Kyoto University Press: 2012.

―――. “The Term tajallī and Its Development in Oneness of Existence (wadat al-wujūd) [Tajallī” Gainen to Sono Sonzai-issei-ron-teki Tenkai].” Tohoku Journal of Religious Studies vol. 12, 2016, pp. 23-45.

―――.Ibn ʿArabī on the Perfect Man (al-insān al-kāmil) as Spiritual Authority: Caliph, Imam, and Saint.The Bridge of Cultures: Potentiality of Sufism, Kyoto: Kyoto University Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, 2017, pp. 49-60.

―――. “Re-experiencing the Myth of Adam: the Primordial Covenant on Junayd’s Idea of Fanāʾ and Baqāʾ.” Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies 11, 2018, pp. 4-17.

―――. “Disappearance between Man and Woman: Sufi View on Human Existence [Otoko/On’na no Kaishō: Sūfism no Ningen-kan].” Gender Studies 21, 2019, pp. 145-155.

―――. “The Library of the American University in Cairo [Cairo American Daigaku Toshokan].” U-PARL (ed.), From the Libraries of the World: A Guide to Libraries and Archives for Asian Studies [Sekai no Toshokan kara: Ajia Kenkyū no tameno Toshokan-Kōbunshokan Gaido], Tokyo: Bensei Shuppan, 2019, pp. 163-169.

―――. “New Life after Death in Islamic Spiritual Thought [Shi ga Motarasu Aratana Sei: Isurāmu Shinpi Shisō ni okeru].” Iwayumi Suzuki and Toshiaki Kimura (eds.) [Sei to Shi no Hyōshō], Iwata Shoin, forthcoming.

Japanese Translation of an English Article
Hung-Yu Ru, “Nippon-jin to chokumensite: Shokuminchi-ka [1895-1945] no Taroko-zoku Shakai ni okeru Shokuminchi-shugi, Kindai-ka, Densen-sei-kan-shikkan”(“Facing Japanese: Colonialism, Modernization, and Epidemic Liver Disease in the Truku Society, 1895-1945”). Proceeding in the 1st International Academic Forum for the Next Generation, 2009, Osaka: Kansai University, pp. 61-72.

Seyyid Hossein Nasr, “Izutu Toshihiko no Omoide”(“Some Recollections of Toshihiko Izutsu”). The Supplement of Imi no Kōzou (The Structure of Meaning), The Works of Toshihiko Izutsu Vol. 11, Tokyo: Keiō University Press, 2015, pp. 1-6.

Makoto, Sawai. “James’ Concept of ‘Religious Experience’ and Its Perspective [W. James no Shūkyō-teki Keiken” Gainen to Sono Shiza.” The 49th Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Taisho University, June 11, 2006.

―――. “James’ Concept ‘Pragmatism’ and Its Perspective of Religious Experience [W. James no “Pragmatism” Gainen to Shūkyō-teki Keiken e no Shiza].” The 50th Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Kansai University, June 10, 2007.

―――. “The Position of ‘Mind’ in James’s Theory of Religious Experience [W. James no Shūkyō-teki Keiken ni okeru “Kokoro” no Ichi].” The 51st Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University, June 8, 2008.

―――.Izutsu’s Hermeneutical Perspectives of the Qur’anic Interpretation.” International Conference on Contemporary Scholarship on Islam, Malaysia: International Islamic University Malaysia, August 5, 2008.

―――. “The Issue of Recognition in James’ Theory of Religious Experience [James no Shūkyō-teki Keiken-ron ni okeru Ninshiki no Mondai].” The 67th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: Tsukuba University, September 14, 2008.

―――. “William James’ Psychology and His Theory of Religious Experience [William James no Shirigaku to Shūkyō-teki Keiken-ron].” The 33rd Workshop of Field Researches in Contemporary Middle East, Japan: Doshisha University, September 19, 2008.

―――. “Junayd’s Mysticism and The Book of fanā’ [Junayd no Shinpi-shugi-ron to fanā’ no Sho].” The 52nd Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Kanazawa University, May 30, 2009.

―――. “The Theory of fanā’ in Junayd’s Mysticism [Junayd no Shinpi-shugi-ron ni okeru fanā’ Ron].” The 68th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: Tsukuba University, September 14, 2009.

―――. “‘Primordial Covenant’ in Islam [Islam ni okeru “Gensho no Keiyaku”].” The 53rd Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Osaka International University, May 30, 2010.

―――. “The Concept ‘dīn’ and Its Meaning in Religious Studies: Toshihiko Izutsu’s Interpretation.” The 20th World Congress of the Association for the History of Religions, Canada: University of Toronto, August 19, 2010.

―――. “Junayd’s Mysticism and ‘Primordial Covenant [Junayd no Shinpi-shugi-ron to “Gensho no Keiyaku”].” The 69th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: Toyo University, September 5, 2010.

―――. “Junayd’s ‘Primordial Covenant’ and Its Meaning [Junayd no “Gensho no Keiyaku” to sono Imi].” The 52nd Annual Conference of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, Japan: Kokushikan University, November 7, 2010.

―――. “Qur’anic Hermeneutics of Ṭabarī’s Tafsīr [Ṭabarī no Tafsīr ni okeru Qur’an Kaishaku Riron].” The 70th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: Kwansei Gakuin University, September 3, 2011.

―――. “Evolution of Islam in Japan.” Professional Learning Circle of the International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia: Taman Setapa Indah, April 8, 2012.

―――. “Toshihiko Izutsu’s Weltanschauung (Worldview) of the Qur’an.” Intellectual Youth Club of the International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia: The International Islamic University Malaysia, May 5, 2012.

―――. “Life and Death in Qushayrī’s Mystical Theory [Qushayrī no Shinpi-ron ni okeru Sei to Shi].” Researching Workshop of Sufi-Tarīqa Study, Japan: Yamaki Hotel in Shizuoka Prefecture, July 24, 2013.

―――. “Islamic Mysticism as the Theory of the Divine Names [Shinmei-ron to shite no Islam Shinpi-shugi].” Tenri Seminarium The 1st Research Forum for the Religious Studies of Tenri University, Japan: Tenri University, July 27, 2013.

―――. “The Divine Names in Islam : From Tannura to Islamic Philosophy [Islam ni okeru Shinmei-ron: Tannura kara Islam Tetsugaku made].” The 3rd Lecture of JSPS Cairo Research Station, Egypt: JSPS Cairo Research Station, January 30, 2014.

―――. “Mysticism as Communication [Shinpi-shugi toiu Komunikēshon].” Tenri Seminarium The 2nd Research Forum for the Religious Studies of Tenri University, Japan: Tenri University, January 11, 2015.

―――. “The Forming Process of ʻIslamic Mysticismʼ[“Islam Shinpi-shugi Gainen” no Seiritsu Katei].” The 57th Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Tohoku University, May 31, 2015.

―――. “Living with the Divine Names: The Diversities of the Interpretation of the Qurʾan [Kami no Na to tomoni Ikiru: Qurʾan Kaishaku no Tasōsei].” The 123rd Tobunken/ASNET Seminar, Japan: The Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, The University of Tokyo, July 9, 2015.

―――. “The Meaning of Adam in Ibn ʿArabiʼs Theory of the Oneness of Existence.” The 21th World Congress of the Association for the History of Religions, Germany: Erfurt University, August 28, 2015.

―――. “Saints in Islam: The Perfect Man in Ibn ʿArabīʼs Thought [Islām ni okeru Seijya: Ibn ʿArabī no Kanzen Ningen-ron kara].” The 74th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: Sōka University, September 6, 2015.

―――. “The Divine Names in the Oneness of Existence: The Arguments of Ibn ʿArabī and Kāshānī [Sonzai Issei-ron ni okeru Shinmei: Ibn ʻArabī to Kāshānī o Chūshin ni].” The 57th Annual Conference of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, Japan: Hokkaido University, October 18, 2015.

―――. “The Jiba and the Name of God [Jiba-no-Ri to Kamina].” Tenri Seminarium The 3rd Research Forum for the Religious Studies of Tenri University, Japan: Tenri University, December 13, 2015.

―――. “Asia and Saints in Modernism: Academic Formation of Islamic Mystical Thought [Ajia to Seijya-tachi no kindai: Islām Shinpi Shisō o meguru Gakuchi Keisei].” Public Workshop: The Varieties of Saint in Modern Asia (Kōkai Kenkyū-kai: Kindai Ajia ni okeru Seijya no Shosō), Japan: Hokkaido University, July 15, 2016.

―――. “Ibn ʿArabī on the Perfect Man as the Spiritual Authority.” SIAS/KIAS - CNRS International Joint Seminar on Development of Sufism-Saint Cults Complex, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), September 6th, 2016.

―――. “New Insight into Encountering the Religious Other: Comparative Studies between Tenrikyo and Islam.” Comparative Studies Colloquium, U.S.A.: The Center for Study of World Religions, December 5th, 2016.

―――. “On Comparative Theology of Tenrikyo [Tenri-kyo Hikaku Shingaku ni tsuite].” Tenri Seminarium The 4th Research Forum for the Religious Studies of Tenri University, Japan: Tenri University, January 21, 2017.

―――. “Ontological Emanation in Ibn ʿArabī’s School.” The Asian Federation of Mediterranean Studies Institute International Conference, Korea: Busan University of Foreign Studies, March 11th, 2017.

―――. “Beyond Commentary: Dāwūd Qayṣarī’s Spiritual Authority.” The First International Symposium of Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University: “Islamic Studies and the Study of Sufism in Academia: Rethinking Methodologies,” May 20th, 2017.

―――. “Islamic Spiritual Thought in terms of Life and Death [“Sei to Shi kara Mita Islam Shinpi Shisō].” The 59th Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Tohoku University, May 27, 2015.

―――. “Discourse of “Mysticism” in Modern Islam [Kindai Islām ni okeru ʿShinpi-shugi’ Gensetsu].” The 76th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: University of Tokyo, September 16, 2017.

―――. “Spiritual Caliphate in Dāwūd Qayṣarī’s Commentaries,” German Oriental Studies Conference (33 Deutscher Orientalistentag), September 22nd, 2017.

―――, “Comparing Founders: Ushiro Nakanishi’s Biographical Studies of Nakayama Miki,” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 2017, October 15th, 2017.

―――, “Development of Spiritual Caliphate (Authority) in Early Stage of Ibn ʿArabī’s School [Ibn ʿArabī Gakuha Shoki ni okeru Reiteki Karifu (Ken’i) ron no Tenkai ni tsuite],” The 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, Japan: University of Tokyo, October 29th, 2017.

―――, “Modernization of Islam and Reform Thought: Muammad ʿAbduh’s Perspective to Sufi [Isulamu no Kindaika to Kaikaku-shisō: Muammad ʿAbduh no Sūfī kan o chūshin ni], Research Workshop for Studying Sufism and Saint Veneration, Japan: KKR Izu Nagaoka Chitose, November 11th, 2017.

―――, “Report for Mark Sedgwick’s “Five-Axis” as Analytical Framework for Sufism [Mark Sedgwick ni yoru Sūfizumu no Bunseki Wakugumi to shite no “Gokyoku Kōzō” nitsuite no Jyōhō Teikyō], The 1st Workshop for Research-grant (A) “Constructive Understanding of Islamic Mysticism,” December 23rd, 2017, Japan: Kyoto University.

―――, “Tenrikyo and Ushirō Nakanishi: “Tenrikyo Theology” before Restoration” [Tenrikyō to Nakanishi Ushirō: Fukugen izen no “Tenri Kyōgaku”], Tenri Seminarium The 5th Research Forum for the Religious Studies of Tenri University, Japan: Tenri University, January 8th, 2018.

―――, Life and Death as metaphor in the Divine Unity, 1st International Sufi Studies Graduate Student Symposium, Turkey: Üskudar University, March 11th, 2018.

―――, “The Sufi Views on Human Existence” [Otoko/On’na no Kaisshō: Sūfī no Ningen-kan] Japan Association for Middle East Studies Annual Meeting 2018, Japan: Sophia University, May 13th, 2018.

―――, The Disappearance between Man and Woman: The Sufi View on Human Existence, World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies Seville 2018, July 18th, 2018, Spain: University of Seville.

――――――, “Ibn ʿArabī’s Understanding of Human Existence,” The 77th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, Japan: Otani University, September 9th.

――――――, “Adam in Ibn ʿArabī’s Thought and His Idea on Human Being [Ibn ʿArabī no Shisō ni okeru Adam],” The Monthly Gathering for Junior Researchers of Islamic Area Studies, Japan: Waseda University, December 8th, 2018.

――――――, “Joyousness derived from Sadness: Narratives of Mystics in Islam [Hi kara Ideru Yorokobi: Islāmu no Shinpi Shisōka tachi no Katari o tōshite],” Workshop for Histories and Current Circumstances of Interreligious Relations in Asia and Africa, Japan: Sophia University, February 9th, 2019.

――――――, “Bunkai Udagawa’s View to Tenrikyo [Udagawa Bunkai no Tenrikyō-kan],” Tenri Seminarium The 6th Research Forum for the Religious Studies of Tenri University, Japan: Tenri University, February 16th, 2019.

――――――, Sufi Studies in Gender Equality: Re-reading Ibn ʿArabī’s Anthropological Thought, The Annual Conference of the British Association for Islamic Studies, April 16, 2019, United Kingdom: the University of Nottingham.

―――, “The Theoretical Development of the Perfect Man in Ibn ʿArabī’s School [Ibn ʿArabī Gakuha ni okeru Kanzen-ningen-ron no Tenkai],” Japan Association for Middle East Studies Annual Meeting 2018, Japan: Sophia University, May 12th, 2019.

――――――, “The Place of Human Beings in Islamic Mystical Thought [Isrām Shinpi Shisō ni okeru Ningen no Ichi],” The 61st Annual Conference of the Association for Indology and Study of Religion, Japan: Tenri University, June 8th , 2015.

――――――, Following the Foundress of Tenrikyo: The Role of Religions for Deeper Learning, International Conference on Comparative Theology, July 24th, 2019, Australia: Australian Catholic University.

――――――, Inter-faith Understanding in the Post-Earthquake Recovery: From the Perspective of Tenrikyo Theology,” International Workshop for Comparative Theology in Asia, July 25th, 2019, Australia: Australian Catholic University.

――――――, “Muḥammad and Adam in Jīlī’s Theory of Self-disclosure of the Existence [Jīlī no Sonzai no Jikokengen-ron ni-okeru Muhammado to Adamu],” The 78th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, September 15th, 2019, Japan: Teikyo University of Science.

――――――, “Toshihiko Izutsu and Islamic Mysticism [Izutsu Toshihiko to Isurāmu Shinpi-shugi],” The 78th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies, November 24th, 2019, Japan: Tenri University.

――――――, “Japanese Value-driven Culture and Islamicate Universal Culture: Islamic Views of Life and Death,” Talk Series Malaysia-Japan Intellectual Exchange, Malaysia: International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS), February 20, 2020.

――――――, “Public Forum: Islamic Studies and the Modern World: Prospects and Challenges,Talk Series Malaysia-Japan Intellectual Exchange, Malaysia: Gerak Budaya, February 20, 2020.

――――――, “The History of Studying Islam in Japan,Talk Series Malaysia-Japan Intellectual Exchange, February 20, 2020, Malaysia: International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).

――――――, “Mercy for Mankind: On the Relevance of Ibn ‘Arabi,Talk Series Malaysia-Japan Intellectual Exchange, February 20, 2020, Malaysia: Masjid Negeri Shah Alam February 20, 2020.

2007-2008 FALL: TA, Graduate School of Tohoku University
2013-2014 SPRING, 2014-2015 FALL, 2015 SPRING: TA, American University in Cairo
2017 FALL, Part-time Lecturer, University of Tokyo (Course title “Rethinking Modern and Contemporary Islam”)
November 8th & November 15th, 2017, Special Lecturer for High School Students, Course (“Studying Islam for Enjoying Tokyo Olympic More”)
2018 SPRING, Part-time Lecturer, Tenri University (Course title “Sociology of Religion”)
2018 FALL, Part-time Lecturer, Kansai University (Course title “Study of Islamic Thought (b)”)
2018 FALL, Part-time Lecturer, Kōnan University (Course title “Study for Life and Death”)

2008.4-2010.3:  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow, Japan)\1,500,000
2011.4-2012.3:  The Research Grant of the Ohata Foundation for the History of Religions, Japan
2011.9-2012.3:  The Research Grant of the Saito Ryōji Foundation for Islamic Studies, Japan
2011.8-2012.7:  The Overseas Research Grant of the Tohoku Developing Foundation, Japan
2013.2-2013.5:   University Fellowship of the American University in CairoUSD 6.000
2013.9-2013.12:  University Fellowship of the American University in CairoUSD 9.000
2014.2-2013.5:   University Fellowship of the American University in CairoUSD 3.000
2015.4-2017.3:   Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow, Japan (\ 3,500,000)
2017.4-2020.3:   Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Young Scientists (B), (¥2,500,000)
2017.4-2018.3:    The Research Grant of Asian Research Institute, Osaka University of Economics and Law, (\100,000)

ハーバード大学滞在報告/Report of Staying at Harvard University (Aug 2016 - Jan 2017)

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