About Me

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My academic interests are exegesis of the Qur'an and its historical development, and the mystical theories of Sufis(Mystics) in the early Islam, and re-examination of the concept "mysticism" in Religious Studies. 現在の学術的関心は、クルアーン解釈とその思想的展開、初期イスラームにおけるスーフィー(神秘家)たちの神秘的理論、さらに宗教学における「神秘主義」概念の再考です。

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

東日本大震災 追悼式典


Yesterday, I joined in the memorial ceremony (?) of the second anniversary of the eastern earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I took the bus just after the class finished, so I could participate in it though I was late for a while.
Present Japanese ambassador and former Egyptian ambassador to Japan also attended, and many Egyptians and some Japanese (five or so). The content is documentary movie, moment of silence, and salute of the Japanese ambassador and Egyptian one, following presentation of the earthquake experience by Egyptian student and present of group writing from students of Cairo University. In that time, there was somehow boring progress, but presentation by chief in JICA made the ceremony more serious because of his focus on the way of revival in the affected places. In final, it finished with piano performance by Japanese and songs by some Egyptians.
The point I felt sad is that both ambassadors left the ceremony some minutes later after they gave speech. The busy bureaucrat may have spent two hours for ceremony that was like somehow performance event. Furthermore, I am a little bit disappointed that there were a few Japanese participants.

ハーバード大学滞在報告/Report of Staying at Harvard University (Aug 2016 - Jan 2017)

年度末となりました。久しぶりの更新となりましたが、昨年8月末から1月初旬までアメリカへ再び渡航し、今年の2月はトルコに滞在しておりました。何だか少し遠い昔のことのように感じますが、滞在報告を記しておきます。 私が滞在していたのは、ハーバード大学神学大学院に併設されている世界...